copertina 2 foodinmed storify

Our first edition of the summer school just came to an end. It was a gorgeous experience: 25 students came in Sicily from all over the world in order to discover the treasures of the Mediterranean heritage. During this international event, they attended the lectures of our professors, worked in team sharing their knowledge, went on field trips to discover the sicilian food production with the small producers. From the land to the table, our students could experience where a dish comes from, the traditions behind it, the efforts and the environmental costs that are necessary to produce it. Everything aimed at the goal to figure out innovative ways to adapt new technologies to agriculture in a sustainable and respectful way, in order to preserve traditions and to save the small farmers from the industrialization. At the end of the program, our students attended the hackathon “Feeding Fair”, where they had the opportunity to develop their team-projects to present at the international event “Agrogeneration”, organized by the Ministry of Agriculture.

However, no words could explain our wonderful adventure better than the images, the comments and the videos of our protagonists: here you can take a look at the Summer School Storify.

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