that life is about creating, building, sharing, seizing opportunities, giving, growing, improving, living out dreams and having a positive impact on our world.
You Can aim to become a sustainable and successful model to achieve growth and happiness empowering the entrepreneurial mindset.


to spearhead a new model for a positive entrepreneurial lifestyle; to empower individuals to feed and share their passions and obtain personal improvement; and to support businesses in achieving success while maintaining accountability to the global community.


Andrea Magelli and Sara Roversi. In 2003 we founded our first company and now You Can Group is a vibrant entrepreneurial ecosystem rooted in passion, creativity, innovation and entrepreneurial spirit. The powerhouse is dedicated to creating positive impact to stimulate economic, cultural and social growth in the world. The dynamic operation spans across various areas that include communication, education, business and personal development that are all tied together through a shared vision of wanting to better ourselves, our communities and our planet.


A positive message concealed in the brand itself, to communicate that “everything can be done”, and to group together all the various companies and projects generated since 2003.